Thursday, March 26, 2015

Formutech Level II Review

So once again it’s that time for another product review. This week we’ll look at Level II, powdered version by Formutech Nutrition. Aside from not having protein, Formutech is pretty much a full service line whether it is products for weight loss, preworkout, multi vitamins, organ support and others. (

Level II is about a year old and has consistently been a top 5 in its class of thermogenics/weight loss aids. (Do a google “review” search and you will see what I mean) It’s available in capsules as well as powder; flavors including Fruit Punch and Grape.


My wife and I personally enjoy powdered versions of products over pills so today we’ll be looking at the powdered version.

1 scoopEmpty stomach upon rising. I typically fill a 20 oz shaker bottle where my wife likes 4 or so oz. In a full bottle, flavor is still very noticeable, which I like.

As always I’ll get the negative out of the way..
·         It’s a prop blend and for those that have read my other posts, I respect prop blends but would love to see a full disclosure label. Something I think the FDA will make mandatory within the next 3-5 years.
·         First and foremost taste. Both flavors are phenomenal. I am old school and will drink a product that tastes like gasoline as long as the ingredient profile is good. My wife on the other hand is the opposite. She cannot stand some of the artificial flavoring that goes into products. After numerous trials of different products, Level II won my wife over. She leans more towards the Grape BUT will drink Fruit Punch without having to gag it down. Me on the other hand, love them both, don’t have a favorite.
·         Anywhere between 10-15 minutes after ingestion, you will feel warmth but not a kick in the face or the ever so lovely beta alanine tingles.
·         Before, during and after, there are no jitters. I am somewhat stim/caffeine sensitive and I like the well-being it gives me.
·         Appetite Suppression – for my wife, it kills it. She will go hours without eating where I have to remind her to put something in her system. With me, kind of hit or miss. For some reason, most thermo’s make me ravenous
·         Crash – none whatsoever. It is a very slow comedown which we both really enjoyed. For me personally I was only able to take one serving a day. The one or 2 times I tried a second dose perhaps 6 or so hours later, clarity wasn’t there.
·         On occasion I will add 1000 mgs of Acetyl L Carnitine by Formutech as well (see a pattern) to supercharge this a little more.
  • 50 servings per container.


My public service announcement: There is no sure fire weight loss product out there that will work effectively without healthy eating as well as consistent exercise whether it be weights, cardio and or both. If you are looking for a great tasting, excellent weight loss supplement (key word supplement to diet and exercise) then certainly get your hands on Level II. You will not be disappointed.

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